Saturday 31 July 2010

location location location

Look how amazing this site is.........I am seriously jealous!
The house was built for a family who spent many, many years in a caravan waiting for planning approval for an agricultural workers dwelling - they spent all seasons in the caravan, working on the family farm and proving the need to be near their animals. And I guess this shows what happens when you persevere with a genuine set of circumstances. A fabulous oak cottage in a great plot with a beautiful horse for lovely people. ahhhhhh.......

Oooh, what a great idea - I was looking for a giant spoon and fork for my kitchen wall a few years ago but I LOVE this display of antique implements hanging in their hall. Maybe I will have a look on ebay for something similar or maybe some old shop signs (not actual signs as such - but giant object representing the shop - an huge key for a locksmith for example. Have I gone as crazy as I sound?)
Looks great anyway

what a handsome horse

p.s thank you for all your 'open day' comments. We are going to do it - sometime in October I think (enough time to paint and tidy) so I will let you know when exactly.

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