Wednesday 25 November 2009

getting blood from a stone

Now, I really, really like the Border Oak Project Managers - all 4 of them are lovely people, super good at their jobs and veritable fountains of knowledge. But trying to get hold of photos of current projects can be tricky - pretty much IMPOSSIBLE! So I nag, email, nag some more, get someone else to nag, offer to make cakes and yet I am lucky to get a handful of pics of gutter stops and scaffolding.

Admittedly some of them are better than others - Mark even supplied me with my current blog topper photo and I have a whole disc load from Ed who has kindly edited out the less interesting photos for me. 

But I do I know they are really busy people and are getting actual houses built so I will cut them some slack..........for now. 

Anyway here are some of the fabulously charming Eds lovely pics -  great projects, beautifully project managed and for which I am eternally greatful!

This house is a bit like mine but with windows and doors on the gable end rather than a chimney - to make the most of views over a pretty orchard with free range chickens.

the interior looks good too - a vaulted ceiling and open frame work

And this is a much much bigger version of our house - using the same construction methods but illustrating how bespoke a Border Oak house can be - I really like the back of this house and can't wait to see how it weathers into the plot.

I think this exposed oak frame will also look fab once it has settled in. It seems to have a very interesting facade and a good mix of materials.

I will try to remember to add this house to my list of 'to do' photos as it looks as if it will photograph really well. I love the exposed oak, the curved step and the hint of the basement below. More unfinished houses to follow - no gutter stops I promise!

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