Monday 6 December 2010

No 5. the externals


  1. Hi Merry,...looks fantastic and the interiors are perfect. Will there be any chance of any room dimensions, floor plans and costings????

  2. These are fantastic! Can't wait to meet you all on sat!


  3. I would like to learn more of the design process. Do you use a CAD package or just draw the designs on paper? Is there an easy way someone can design their own from Border Oak components?

  4. Thanks everyone!
    Taren - it is quite complicated but basically Border Oak have an in house design team - and we can do hand drawn and CAD work depending on what is needed. For this project the planning drawings were hand drawn, the building regs and construction notes were on computer. I then scribbled a few changes and these were amended on the computer designs. There isn't really an easy way to draw by component as such, especially regarding frame design because it is structural and needs engineering experience. You could however sketch a floor plan using 'bays' and then leave the elevations and frame to the professionals? Every Border Oak house is bespoke so you woudl still get a one off design.
