Monday 10 October 2011

autumn is on its way........

............and the reason I know this (apart from the fact that my porch is full of bronze leaves)? Well, we have all been poorly with one thing after another which can only mean that 'school germs' are out and about. This happens every autumn in this house. Humppppfffff!

But I have dragged myself out of bed to let you know that Border Oak will be at this years Northern Homebuilding and Renovating Show on the 4th-6th November. Please do come along and say hello, we will be there to answers your questions, fill you with inspiration and offer advice.

I am still working on the website ( but it is now on the final stretch as far as building goes. There may still be a few odd bits and bobs and areas that need fine tuning but I think we are on the home stretch. From speaking to people I get the impression that most visitors like the range and quantity of photos and that the new features such as Case Studies are popular too.

We are just designing and building our inspirational 'flip books' - coming soon to the website - some will be self build diaries, others will be virtual mood boards, which I hope will show the opportunity self build and oak frames can offer. The self build diaries will follow different Border Oak projects from start to finish, with regular updates, step by step photos, suppliers lists, tips, cost breakdowns and basically a 'warts and all' overview.

The outbuildings section of the website is also being built as we speak. So that will be the site structure complete - with extras and more detail coming as we develop it. I have already  added some 'news' some 'plots' and another case study so feel free to pop over and then let me know what you think of the whole site and what else you would like to see in the future. A few people have mentioned a Border Oak app (which we will look into) and there is an HTML site coming very shortly. All feedback gratefully received!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new look website, I love the border oaks homes, I think it was one of them that I saw on an older version of Escape to the Country which I had recorded. Keep up the good work :)

    All things nice...
