Thursday 12 April 2012

only a few slots left......... the 'open house' day this Saturday (14th April) in London (well, Essex/London).
If you have a plot of land or planning approval and would like to come and see our workmanship in the flesh, please contact the office to enquire about one of the remaining appointments.

The owners of this magnificent manor house have generously offered us their home for the day (before they move in next week) to show prospective clients what we do and how well we do it.

The day is invitation only and by appointment, there will be a team of Border Oak people there to show you around and answer your questions.

This house was designed and built by Border Oak

Contact Hannah or Julie for more information - 01568 708 752

ps There are only a limited number of slots for this property left, but we will be holding more 'open house' days at other properties later in the year.

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