Tuesday 19 June 2012


You can really tell that I am awaiting the new 2012 Border Oak photographs - because I have nothing very interesting to share with you (hence the quiet blog - sorry). 
So I thought I would share with you some pics from a folder on my computer called 'random'. In theory the folder could contain recipes, pics of my children, possible holiday destinations etc etc. But, hey, guess what? it only contains photos of houses. And a few gardens, furniture, lighting and other home bits and bobs. How tragic.

As I was looking through I thought I should chose my faves and show you what my fantasy home might one day look like....................................this is just a small selection, but I didn't want anyone to drop into a coma.

This photo is either from Arne Maynard or Jinny Blom - two amazing landscape designers - showing beautiful trees and attention to detail. We actually do have some (well, 5 to be truthful - hardly an arcade) pleached hornbeams here (they provide great structure and privacy) but this type of tree/hedge/wall combo really inspires me.

I found this on rightmove.com whilst stalking houses that will never be mine, in counties I will never move to. Some people find that odd - I find it therapeutic. It isn't nosey, it is research. Anyway I like the organic collection of interconnecting barn buildings, the stone roof, the different ridge heights and the drive way and fencing. I also like the grain store window on the left.

This is the kind of drive I like - but I would have orchard either side and maybe a run of trees to line the loose gravel tracks.

I don't need to say anything about this photo -  this house should be MINE.
(I didn't find this on rightmove.com, no one in their rightmind.com would sell it . Arne Maynard designed the garden.)

This is a beautiful project by McCleanQuinlan.com architects - I wish I had other photos to show you as the whole house looks incredible. It is very similar to the 'dream' barn I keep sketching (no, I don't have a plot, or planning permission, or funds - small, insignificant details my friends) and pretending that we will build. But if I did have a plot, with planning approval and some money, this would be what I would like to aim for.

And my fantasy house will have a fantasy pond that beautiful ducks and rare dragonflies will want to live in and pale pink water lilies will grow whilst my children dip their feet in from an oak jetty.........

The outside view of that McCleanQuinlan project - mmmmmmmm! The roof is a bit big though?

And finally (I told you it was 'random') is this gorgeous old wall with a door and a view beyond.

P.S Don't worry guys - new Border Oak photos are on their way!!!
P.P.S If you have built a Border Oak house and want to enter the Homebuilding Awards just let  me know if I can help - the prize is a weekend at a Hotel du Vin, so worth a go??


  1. cant wait for the new photos !!

  2. I spend time on Right Move too, have recently discovered regional differences in decorating styles, who knew. Gorgeous photos. The Arne Maynard garden is a favourite I ache to live in something like that.

  3. I love staking around Rightmove too :-) That is how we stumbled across the house we now live in! Beautiful photos, I love that avenue of trees.
