Thursday 10 September 2009

its all about the light

This barn was built by Border Oak for a friend of mine - she is the designery one -and I think she did a great job considering how tricky the site could have been. It's a tight site, next to listed house, with a tree in the middle and a mixture of houses all around. But she has transformed the site and also designed a great looking house that has beautiful light and feels a lot bigger than the plans.
We had a great day taking these pics, filling it with props and pretending to professional photo stylists........and with that in mind I am now off to the yummy Baileys Home and Garden store to seek out some new props for next weeks shoot and meet my other best friend Caroline, who is also super clever and creative (she is an extremely  good conservator of art - or a conservatory as Minnie tells people). work, work, work........................

lovely light


  1. Gorgeous as usual, love the calm and relaxed feel of the interiors!! Hope you had a succesful 'fix' at Bailey's Home and Garden shop. I can't wait to go back and wander around with hubby without kiddies in tow!!Hubby wants to live in their house!! Have a great weekend!
    Claire xx

  2. yep -Baileys was good, seemed a tad expensive we thought so no purchases this time but a lovely lunch and a good potter. Their new book is out and I think is it better than their last one so if you want a closer source of Baileys inspiration I would recommend it.

  3. Almost too gorgeous if that's possible...
